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Most of us experience times which are painful, confusing and a struggle. For some these problems have lasted a long time and come with symptoms that are hard to live with. Others might be experiencing a shorter period of crisis and confusion. 
Seeing a caring counsellor can help you express pent up feelings, understand the problem more clearly, find solutions, learn strategies and tools to resolve your issues, and use different therapy approaches to deeply heal your emotions. 
After working in this industry for over 20 years I am committed to making you feel safe, earning your trust, and assisting you to reach your goals. I welcome adults and young adults (15 years +)

Sonia Zadro Clinical Psychologists

I provide counselling and intervention for the following problems:

  • Stress, anxiety and panic

  • Resolving and healing past Trauma and Abuse

  • Post-traumatic stress

  • Learning to deeply relax

  • Depression

  • Anger

  • Individuals seeking treatment under workers compensation

  • Low self-esteem

  • Healing the “inner child”

  • Assertiveness

  • Negative thinking

  • Personal crises and difficulties

  • Grief and loss

  • Loss of purpose and meaning.

  • Social skills and communication issues

  • Relationship problems

  • Unhealthy power struggles in relationships

  • Couple counselling

  • Time management for young adults and adults.

  • Career direction and guidance

  • Exam and performance anxiety

  • Many other areas – please enquire

I don't provide counselling for people with the following:

  • Current or recent (previous two years) alcohol and drug addiction.

  • Current or recent (previous three years) psychosis or schizophrenia.

  • Current or recent (previous two years) dissociative identity disorder (DID). Although I will treat a person dissociative symptoms as part of PTSD as long as they don't meet criteria for DID.


Sonia is currently not accepting any referrals as her books are full.
Apologies for the inconvenience


Collingwood Street MANLY NSW 2095

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